Injured Landscaper Update, Lots More

I am unable to make links work on my blog tonight. Darn!

(Trigger Warning: Injuries)
Friday July 9, a woman who has worked as a landscaper in our neighborhood for 3 decades was struck by a driver on Eldridge and seriously injured. She was flown to Harborview Hospital in Seattle, where she has undergone multiple surgeries, including amputating both legs. I heard this week that Kim had been taken off oxygen and survived that. The Herald. is still working on the story, and will keep me in the loop. I received this message yesterday morning about a GoFundMe for the landscaper.
Hello, my name is Sherry Boyd-Yost.
To my horror, I was informed my best friend Kim Eagle of “Kim’s Care Gardening Service” was working at a client’s property and loading equipment into her vehicle, when a driver apparently fell asleep at the wheel and smashed right into her, amputating one of her legs. After being resuscitated and air lifted to Harborview Hospital in Seattle she went immediately to surgery, but they were unable to save her other leg and it was amputated as well.
What she is in for is waking to not knowing what happened to her, and finding she has lost her legs from just above her knees. She also suffers a broken pelvis and punctured intestine. She will not be able to continue her business and her income is gone. Months or years of therapy face her, and expenses getting her through this huge life change.
Kim has always been a vital person, loving nature and animals. She has a horse, donkey, four dogs, a fish named Paku, and a parrot.
She has a long way to get home.
I am starting this GoFundMe to help her get through this very tough time that lies ahead. she is a beautiful, earth loving, hard working woman! A person I love so dearly! Thank you for your help!
I also heard from Katie, who set up the first GoFundMe:
I am transferring the funds raised so far to this other account her best friend will be administering. A different GoFundMe is now set up for Kim and here is the link.
I have donated, and hope others will too. Every little bit helps.
I found the file number for this wreck on the police daily report but can’t find a way to access the report online: 21B37906. Can anyone help with information on the driver?
Reported: Jul 9 2021 10:18AM
Location: 2000 BLK ELDRIDGE AVE
Case #: 21B37906

Thursdays 6 – 8 PM At The Gazebo (with food and dessert!)
July 22 HIGH MOUNTAIN STRING BAND, Bellingham based Progressive Bluegrass Band
July 29 TRACY SPRING AND JEZEBEL’S MOTHER, Rootsy – bluesy – lively – lovely
August 5 D’VAS AND DUDES, Country folk, Rock, Blues, and Boogie Woogie
August 12 4TENS BAND, Fun Classic Rock Party Music
August 19 THE SWEET GOODBYES, Folk/Pop
August 26 CRAIGO’S PLANET GROOVE, Grateful Dead meets New Orleans Funk
September 2 BANDZANDT, The County’s Happiest Rock Band

The smaller the turnout for an election, the larger the impact each voter can have. This is the big one in terms of your own influence!
Ballots have already been sent out. If you haven’t received yours, contact the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office at
Voter registration and address changes online or by mail must be received at the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office by July 26. Visit our office to register to vote or change your address by 8:00 pm Election Day. Here’s where you can register online:
The Auditor’s office has online information. League of Women Voters has online forums and other information:

Here is information about the FLAG (Little Free Art Gallery) in Columbia neighborhood on West Street and Eldridge Avenue.
The Little Free Art Gallery is near the corner of West Street and Eldridge Avenue. It’s the same concept as a little free library, but for art. There are many creative, talented, generous artists of all ages, amateur, dabbling, professional contributing to and collecting from the gallery. I would encourage everyone to come by for a visit! It has been a daily delight to see the creativity and playfulness of this neighborhood and beyond, and to see artists connecting to other artists via the gallery. So fun! There is also another gallery in the Broadway Park neighborhood if you want to create your own art walk.
There is also a ‘free’ supply and kit box. Currently there are some coloring pages in there. I hope to add some more supplies to it in the next couple of weeks, as my day job and summer schedule allow. If you want to know the WHOLE story, Whatcom Talk wrote a really nice article.

Katrina Lyon’s Little Free Art Gallery Sparks a Miniature Arts Renaissance in the Columbia Neighborhood

There is also a Little Free Art Gallery on Connecticut near Victor, provided by Eberhard Eichner, who does the Pappenspeil plays. And a Poetry site at 1700 W North Street at Utter. What else am I missing?

The City, partner organizations, and the community have worked hard to improve water quality and restore habitat in the Squalicum Creek watershed to protect this important natural space for fish, wildlife, and people. Learn about these efforts in this new video and at
Watch the video below or at

A friend of mine who is visiting from BC dropped her drivers license when she was out running today. Her name is Jamee Brotherton. I live at 2731 Walnut Thank you ~ Michael

Superhero wallet at Columbia school yard on the “portables” side. E-mail me at or call or text 360-318-3815 to identify and claim it!
You could say what color it is, who the superhero is or what is in it, or all three! ~ Leslie Glen, Elizabeth Street

My husband and son and I are moving to Iceland for the next year, leaving August 2nd. We’re looking for someone to foster our cat while we’re gone. I wonder if you know of anyone who would enjoy a snuggly lap cat, indoor only? He’s a year and a half old and very timid. He can’t be in a home with dogs, but another mellow cat might be okay. He likes kids. ~ Laura Engelhoff

I’m looking for someone to rent a downstairs unit in a two unit house. In this unit, there are two small/medium size bedrooms with carpet and closets, there’s a bathroom with shower (no tub) a small kitchen (has oven, no dishwasher), full size  fridge, a good sized living room and a shared laundry. There’s a big yard. Near Geneva Elementary School. Pets considered. Rental is short term, available now through end of September. $1100/ month. For more details, please contact Arielle by TEXT at 360-540-4847 to arrange further conversation.  Thank you! ~ Arielle Stein

My dear friends and bandmates Brian Dolphin and Elizabeth Laprelle, and their 19 month old Noah, are looking for housing in Bellingham starting September 1st! Two bedrooms, under $1600/month (ideally closer to 1000-1200) somewhere in town. They would prefer their own house, apartment or mother-in-law, but sharing with the right roommates could work too. I am so excited to welcome these wonderful friends and musicians to the community in Bellingham. Right now we are having a music residency (also with Annie Schermer) where I live on Waldron Island, and we are hoping to find them a good landing spot in Bellingham. Brian is a songwriter, community song leader and audio engineer who will be in his last year of grad school (remote) for ethnomusicology. Elizabeth is a ballad singer, banjo player and music teacher. They are parents to a very sweet boy who will be 2 in November. Please forward this e-mail to any friends you think of, as it can be hard to find things simply through craigslist. We appreciate your assistance!

Seeking a short term 2+ bedroom home for my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and two well behaved pets starting in early August. If you have a comfortable place for them to stay while they house hunt for their forever home in Bellingham, please reach out to me at
Appreciate any help!
Korey Krause
Elm Street

I had a question from a far-away friend, and decided my answer to him could be useful to more of you. I’ve expanded it somewhat.
“Hi Flip! An 18-month-old toddler who likes to hit other kids. Throws things at them. I take his hand, look at him severely, and tell him “No!” Am I doing the right thing?”
Ah!!! You’re right to set a limit, but it will take much more than that. Fortunately this one is still very young. You can make a HUGE difference for him.
He’s feeling intolerably disconnected from others. It’s time to start, yourself, connecting with him through play, at moments not when he is in crisis. Even a few minutes of vigorous play, several times a week at least. Daily would be better. Play that puts him in charge, in a powerful position, even for a few minutes.
You’re the big, clumsy, confused, well-intentioned adult who can’t quite catch him as he runs away, who wants him desperately but can’t quite catch up as you lumber behind him. Find things that bring laughter, and then keep the laughter coming. (But no tickling, none at all! Trust me on this one.) It’s the laughter you’re looking for. Build closeness over time. There’s no instant fix. It’s about the relationship.
From that close relationship, you can kindly set limits, without harshness. None of us got such kind, loving limits – especially not us White people from the US. But it can be done. Move right in close and say, “No dear. I can’t let you do that,” in the warmest, calmest, most loving tone. That’s something you can do even today. Put your body between him and those he’s trying to harm. Physically keep him from hurting others. Promise him that you won’t let him hurt others, and that no one needs to be hurt in order for him to heal.
And he will melt down when you bring him the limit lovingly. All the horrible tensions inside will boil up and pour off him. He’ll be on the ground, screaming and flailing around. At this point, you move in even closer. Offer eye contact. He won’t be able to meet your loving eyes, but you stick with it. Right in close. He’ll probably say he hates you, and scream that you’re hurting him. Be ready to spend an hour or more while the waves of anguish roll off him.
Eventually he’ll reach the point where he can meet your eyes without falling apart again. At this point, he’s done, and will head off to play in a far more relaxed way. You, on the other hand, may need an adult to listen to your own feelings!
Between the attacks, limits, and melt-downs: play, play, play! Be delighted to see him each time you meet. Flirt with him. Over a few months you will see this child blossom. Reach out to other adults to join you in this project.
His parents also need your kind, warm attention. Somewhere in the young one’s life, there is an overwhelmed adult passing on their own pain. The adult isn’t bad. Just in pain. They also need to be listened to. And taught new parenting skills – these ones: play that puts the child in charge, setting kind limits and then staying close and listening through the melt-down. Every parent wants closeness with their children. It won’t work to come in with harsh judgements on anyone. It really won’t help.
There’s a website and a book. The woman that taught me these skills is Patty Wipfler, from California. She got in there with me and my sons, in person, up to the elbows, many decades ago. Her website is The book is Listen! It will change this child’s life, and yours. Love/Fl!p

We particularly need drinking water, bug repellent & sunscreen. It would be good to get a supply of N95 masks in preparation for smoke season. 100 masks would be a beginning. Every little bit helps. And we still need more cooks. Thank you! You can always contact me: or text 360-671-4511.


We may need a hand, perhaps as soon as tomorrow, Tuesday, evening. We need to move some furniture and belongings in our living room to clear space for window replacement. The date is still tentative. My guess is no more than an hour. All the heavy items are on slides. There are some fragile items on the wall. Zeke and I are both fully immunized, but I am immune compromised and would prefer it if everyone was not only immunized but also still wore masks. 360-671-4511


I’ve been teaching my 12 year old grand twins to play guitar over Zoom for this past year. Lucy fell in love with this song, so I went looking for it online so she’d have a version to play along with. John Denver did an easy to follow version.

Chalk Follow-Up, Music, Homeless Help, More


I had a marvelous time last Sunday! Thanks to everyone who participated! We had over ninety households sign up this year to Chalk, make music, offer goodies, show off crafts, and more. I remembered last year, and kept my own Chalking very simple because I knew I was likely to get to see lots and lots of people Sunday morning and early afternoon. And I DID! I got dozens of phone calls, texts, emails, IMs etc. And every one of them started with “Is it too late? Do you have any chalk left?” It kept me laughing, and SO happy to have plenty of chalk. Last minute was not a problem. I got to see a lot of neighbors in person, which I love. And Zeke and I got out Monday morning to see a bunch of chalk. BRAVO!!!  And we even have some chalk stored for next year. Let’s do it again, eh?


By Mark Allyn


The Eldridge Society for funding chalk! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Jonny Kemp for creating and updating the online map!

Ebb Tide for a sweet noon concert at Elizabeth Park. They’re hoping we can have the big Parade again next year, and they’ll bring back the float/parade wagon!

Deb Valentine, president of the Columbia Neighborhood Association, for putting up signs & sending out messages, for handing out chalk at the Share Shack three Saturdays in a row, and for holding my hand!

Marla Bronstein for reworking the Chalk Talks from last year and for helping spread the word!

AnnMarie Jordan & Jennifer Moon for taking flyers to businesses & helping publicize!

Aaron Silverberg for also handing out chalk at the Share Shack and taking flyers to the Little Free Libraries!


In order to have a parade next year, we’ll need a host to organize it. The parade itself doesn’t take a lot, but it does take some. The picnic & games at Elizabeth Park takes more. There are lots of supplies, and a lot of information and support available from folks who’ve done it in years past. Please consider stepping forward! I can steer you to the right folks.


This Sunday July 11, 5 – 7 PM both online & for a small live audience, outdoors. Right here in the neighborhood in the alley between Victor & Williams / W North & Connecticut. We’ll be outdoors and socially distanced. Bring your own chair. Walk up quietly please. Zeke and I are guests at Robert Blake’s Kitchen Table concert. Songs, stories, tunes, and my beloved Columbia Neighborhood Guitar. I’ve been thinking about songs I have sung around campfires for years, but don’t know of any existing recordings by anyone, anywhere. I’ve learned so many songs live, from people I love, and share them the same way. I’d love to see you there! You can tune in, or you can show up in person!


Thursdays 6 – 8 PM at the gazebo

July 15 Free Harmony, Classic folk-rock harmonies

July 22 High Mountain String Band, Bellingham based Progressive Bluegrass Band

July 29 Tracy Spring and Jezebel’s Mother, Rootsy – bluesy – lively – lovely\

August 5 D’vas and Dudes, Country folk, Rock, Blues, and Boogie Woogie

August 12 4TENS Band, Fun Classic Rock Party Music

August 19 The Sweet Goodbyes, Folk/Pop

August 26 CraigO’s Planet Groove, Grateful Dead meets New Orleans Funk

September 2 bandZandt, The County’s Happiest Rock Band 


Saturday July 17 from 4:30-7:30

Open House, Happy Hour, House Party!


At Elizabeth Park — Thursday after the Elizabeth Park concert, my son left his newish hoverboard at/near the basketball court in the park. If anyone happened to find it please let us know. He saved his money to purchase it. We are happy to provide more detail describing it to show ownership. Thanks in advance! ~ Jason Pass, 2627 Utter Street, 360-961-5054


A couple days ago someone signed for and took delivery of a package meant for me. I’m guessing that it was someone expecting a package from UPS who signed, thinking it was theirs. If you did get a UPS package meant for Oona Cava, would you contact me at, and I can swing by and pick it up? Many thanks, Oona Cava


On the myLIBRO app, Bellingham Public Library patrons can search the catalog, place holds, check their account status and more.


I hear there is a Little Free Art Gallery in the Columbia Neighborhood. I’d love the location, and to hear more about it. Thank you! Love/Fl!p


We are looking for a nanny for 2 children (ages 4 and 1). Nanny duties will include drop off and pickups at daycare (at minimum 2 days a week; 7-8:15am and then 4:30-5:30pm) and once or twice a month evenings. In addition, we would like this person to come a couple times a week to help around the house (2-4 hours a week). Duties include cleaning dishes, picking up around the house, laundry, etc. The ideal candidate should be someone who is passionate about kids, patient and kind. Also they must be ok with dogs, as we have a sweet 10 years dog. Pay depending on experience $12-15 per hour. Please contact Alysia Paxton ( to apply or with any questions.


Yes, I’m still involved, and would love any help you can offer. I’m posting far less as I build my health back up, but I’m still doing what I can. Bridge To Services (B2S) has my complete trust. Here’s what’s been going on lately, with ways you can help.

Our “on the ground (otg) “outreach team has been providing meals 7 days a week since October’20.

After the sweep of the City Hall camp Jan.’21, outreach visits increased. We currently supply meals to 6 different locations in Bellingham.

Thanks to our meal train cooks B2S outreach workers have had the opportunity to distribute food, and, thanks to our regular donors, supplies. Summer supplies include: water, batteries, socks, clothing, snacks, hand warmers, and when available, a tent, tarp and blanket.

Over time incredible connections have been made, a chance to bridge to goals- WA id, employment, pet care, housing lists, family reconciliation…

In collaboration with local nonprofit, HomesNow, Bridge2services has been able to participate in the approval of several tenting neighbors to residents at HomesNow tiny village. Since moving in one person has found employment and holds a management position in the community.

Thanks to all who contribute to the strength of our bridges, from meals to applying for WA IDs, otg support to supplies. All your efforts are seen and appreciated!

For regular outreach updates please join our facebook community at Bridge2services. We would love to hear from you in the comments

~ water
As the sun shines, water needs increase. Outreach goes through 1 to 2 flats of water on sunny days.
~ tents & tarps
Weekly relocating of camps by the city has increased needs for tents and tarps. Please keep this in mind while upgrading your camping supplies for the upcoming summer adventures.
Donation drop off locations(pls email: before arriving):

  • Bellingham- 3016 Bennet Dr., entrance off Cedarwood
  • *Become a Bridge Builder ~ No time to cook or distribute? Let us do that for you. With your monthly financial contribution, we can have the security of consistent funding to make bulk orders of regular supplies we give out

    $ Donations:



Guy Van Duser on fingerstyle guitar

Or BoomWhackers! Pretty silly…

Concert Tonight & lots more



Thursday July 8, 6 – 8 PM at Elizabeth Park Gazebo

It’s going to be a beautiful afternoon for an outdoor show! Join us in the Columbia neighborhood today for Pacific Twang. Juanita’s and Edaleen Dairy will be serving up dinner and dessert or bring your own picnic dinner! See you later!!


Ballots mailed July 14

We The People vote, and it matters who we vote for. To do this well, we need to understand just who we’re voting for. Here are ways to find out. Be a citizen! Time to do our research!

Online Voter’s Guide for this Primary Election:

To register to vote, or check your registration:

Candidates Forums: See them for yourself.


My vision is a family adopts a newly housed person/ family for 2 weeks. Helps them feel welcome. Brings them a meal 3x a week. We can help with ingredients and delivery if needed. To volunteer, contact Lorelei Bowers –


Friday July 9th from 7:30-1:00 only!! Antique kitchen cupboard, antique camelback trunk, antique dolls and crocks, many more antiques, too many to list. Tools, hardware, tables, books. You name it we got it! Please come and help us get ready for the move. 2823 Walnut St  ~ Carol Blaney


Friday, July 9, 6 -8 pm. Firehouse Arts Center 1314 Harris Ave

Songs of Home, Heart & Hope

No cover, Limited Seating. First come. 


July 10th  2-4pm at the Share Shack. No minimum is required. Anyone can attend even if it’s just to learn about gardening and see how we swap/trade/gift. ~Aaron Siilverberg


Sunday July 11, 5- 7 PM both online & for a small live audience, outdoors.

Right here in the neighborhood. Bring your own chair. Contact me for location. Zeke and I are guests this Sunday at Robert Blake’s Kitchen Table concert. Songs, stories, tunes, and my beloved Columbia Neighborhood Guitar!


My cousin Bobbie is moving here in late summer or early fall, as her move-in date is flexible.  She will pay up to $1500 mo. and prefers either a 2 bedroom house or a basement rental within a 5 mile radius of Columbia.  She is a young and active senior who lives alone and does not smoke or own pets.  She also prefers existing appliances, as well as washer & dryer, and garage or off street parking.  Please call or text her at 310-614-3192. ~ Michael Berres, 360 393 6802



Steve Lalor, acoustic guitar

When I was a child, everyone in the US knew this song. We had music in the schools and everybody learned it. I believe this to be one of our greatest cultural treasures. If you know it, please teach others to sing it. Let’s not lose it.



I still have plenty of chalk for you. We’ve got 70 households signed up to chalk, play music, sell crafts, feed us goodies, so many things! There’s a brand new toy exchange shed at Victor & the alley north of Jefferson. We’re going to take some chalk over as another pick-up point.

To pick up from me, call first if you can to let me know you’re coming, then head over to 2518 Cherry Street. I’ve got some great bright colors this year.


There will be a free concert from noon to one at Elizabeth Park with an ensemble from the Bellingham Community Band. They’re called Ebb Tide. Zeke will have his contra-alto clarinet, to keep the horns company. Please remember to socially distance.


Then go home and finish your Chalk, and/or go cruise to see what’s happening. Bicycles are a great way to travel since this is not a small neighborhood and fun will be scattered all over it. I’d love it if you’d decorate both your transport and even yourselves. Be part of the show!


Click on the link, then scroll down and click on the form. That information comes to me. I’ll be checking throughout the day and getting your dot onto the map. If you need help signing up, call me at 360-671-4511 or email me at


It’s the same link. You can even access it on a smart phone.

Keep scrolling clear down to the bottom to see what all the little dots on the map mean. All the different shades of blue dots are for Chalk. The gold ones are Little Free Libraries. And the pink ones are Everything Else: music, crafts, food, plants, toys… Click right on the dots (you can expand the map) to see the descriptions. Then follow the fun!

Thank you so much. See you there!



A kinda sweet clip of a song that everybody still seems to know. You may have even heard of some of the singers.


Chalk Tomorrow! More…


Chalk! Live Music! Crafts! Plants! Costumes!

Please join us tomorrow,  July 4th, to play with chalk on the sidewalk in front of your own home. This is for all ages, from pre-schoolers to adults, beginners to professionals. No skill is required.

Chalk in the morning. Last year we had everything from hopscotch squares to vivid peacocks & dragons. There were vines clear down the street, house to house.

At noon, a group from the Bellingham Community Band will play at Elizabeth Park. Socially distance, please.

And then we can all dress up and tour the neighborhood for the afternoon and early evening to see our fun creations! Musicians are encouraged to sign up to play from their front porches. Crafters, artists, gardeners etc can sign up to display & sell their wares. Bicycles are a great way to get around.

How to get on the map: Click on the link to Scroll down and click the button to fill in the sign-up form. This will collect your contact information (which we will only use to coordinate with you and will never share or exploit in any way), and the location where you plan to chalk/play music, etc. We will add your location onto the map, and a description if you’d like to add one.

Last year we found that the more houses on a block signed up, the more folks came to see what was happening there. Invite your neighbors and sign up together!

We have about 50 households signed up so far. There’s still plenty of room for you! And we still have lots of chalk.  There will be live music from front porches, driveways, and Elizabeth Park at noon (take a picnic?) Crafts. Plants. Food! Go to the map and look for the little dots. Blue is chalk. Pink is music, art, crafts, plants, all sorts of stuff! Click on the dots to read what’s happening at that location, even from your smartphone. Bicycles are a great way to get around to see it all. Decorate your bike!

It’s not too late to sign up and join in!

Chalk: There’s a place on the sign-up page to request chalk if you need it. There will be volunteers from the neighborhood association distributing chalk on today at the Share Shack, 2000 W Connecticut, between 1:00 & 3:00 PM. You can also get chalk from Flip. Phone or text 360-671-4511 to set up a time.


We have had two employees call in and not able to work. We unfortunately don’t have anyone that can make it there now. We are very sad we can’t. If we can find anyone else that can do it we will call call you ASAP.  Thank you and hopefully we can get there. ~ West Coast Pops

HOWEVER! If you look at the map there are neighbors with ice cream, lemonade, raspberries… all sorts of goodies!


Need furniture, goods, and temporary meals

Bridget Congo is  an amazing Community Helper Admin and she works at Opportunity Council. Her department is working on getting 14 currently homeless community members into the new Samish Way Commons Building. Many of these chronically homeless folks have no household goods at all. One person signed their lease last week!This is life-changing for these community members, many of whom have been literally homeless 10+ years! All of them are trying to get settled at once, instead of coming into a situation with neighbors ready to welcome them. Some are individuals and some are families. Homelessness is very stressful, and so is moving and getting set up. We’d like to help folks get settled ,over the next two weeks by providing meals up to 3x a week (but we’ll take even one meal, once, if that’s what you can offer!). That’s 6 meals total meals over that 2 week period per person or family. We’re looking for cooks. We can help provide ingredients and even pick-up the meals. It’s a short-term but immediate project. Can you help?

Contact Lorelei Bowers for cooks:

Contact Bridget Congo for furniture and goods:  (Whoops! This part is coming soon. Please wait for it.)…/amp/


Smoke from wildfires in British Columbia was drifting over Western Washington on Friday, July 2, and was expected to linger until Saturday, July 3, but it remained in the upper atmosphere and wasn’t affecting air quality near the ground, according to the Northwest Clean Air Agency’s website, which showed “good” readings across Whatcom County.



Friday, July 9, 6 -8 pm. Firehouse Arts Center

1314 Harris Ave

Songs of Home, Heart & Hope

No cover, Limited Seating

First come. 


I have been invited to join one of Robert Blake’s Kitchen Table concerts, on Sunday July 11, both online & for a small live audience, outdoors. Right here in the neighborhood. Check with me if you’re interested in attending in person. Songs, stories, tunes, and my beloved Columbia Neighborhood Guitar!



Malvina Reynolds


Child is Home! More


Finn has been found and is back home, safe and sound. Thank you all so much for your help!  ~ Hope


6 – 8 PM. Y’all come!


This Sunday, July 4th. Walk out your front door and decorate your sidewalk with chalk! You can pick up chalk from me at 2518 Cherry. Pretty please sign up on the map so we can look to see where all the excitement will be. Call me  if you need help signing up.  Play live music on your front porch, sell crafts and plants, offer a garden tour. Decorate your bikes, trikes, cars, and wonderful selves when we go for a tour to add to the fun. Invite your neighbors. Collaborate! Invite your friends to help us celebrate our neighborhood!l ~ Love/Fl!p  360-671-4511



Karla Bonoff (and that’s Nina Gerber on guitar…)



Missing Teen, More


Finn (Armstrong) – age 13, a Columbia neighbor on Williams Street, hasn’t been home since Tuesday around 1:30 pm. He left wearing a white tshirt and grey pants. He has dark short hair, and is about 5’9. Please keep an eye out for him in the Bellingham area, and possibly south of the city, and please share in your circles. Contact Nita Harker Armstrong at 360 820 2690 or on fb, @bringfinnhome on instagram. Thank you

There is a recent photo of Finn with his cousins on this link:


Tomorrow, Thursday July 1st 6 – 8 PM 

Cheryl Hodge Trio 

Free – 6 – 8pm, exciting Thursday summer outdoor concert in Elizabeth Park (Bellingham, WA) features high energy jazz, blues and R&B by singer/pianist Cheryl Hodge, bass great Dylan Hodge and drummer extraordinaire Jerry Steinhilber! Sponsored by Bellingham Parks and the Eldridge Society for History and Preservation.The park has requested that anyone not feeling well that evening should stay home. 

As of July 1, 2021, we (The Eldridge Society and Bellingham Parks and Recreation) will NOT be requiring reservations for the Thursday night concerts.

We expect our audiences to:

1. PLEASE  Self-regulate and social distance and do not pack areas.  Fully vaccinated folks should feel safe outdoors

according to CDC guidelines. Unvaccinated people should be more vigilant about distancing themselves from others.

2. PLEASE Wear a mask if not fully vaccinated, and

3. PLEASE STAY HOME if they don’t feel well.

We, and the city and the state, will keep a careful eye on Covid spikes and will honor any adjustments in Covid guidelines. Hopefully with residents continuing to vaccinate, we will all start to relax even more.

We don’t want to take two steps forward and five steps back!! SEE YOU AT THE PARK!!!


This Sunday, July 4. Please sign up ASAP! Invite your neighbors. Come get chalk from me. Fl!p 360-671-4511


Isn’t it nice that the weather has cooled off? Now if we can just keep fireworks from setting the world on fire and initiating Smoke Season! This website offers both current air quality conditions and predictions. We’re fine today, though a small smoke plume blew through from east of the Mountains night before last. I recommend saving this site for future reference.



Dorothy Olsen


Johnny Cash


Everly Brothers, live in 1960

Chalk Festival, Water & More

Monday, June 28, 2021

You can always sign up, or look at older posts, here:


Sunday July 4th (this coming Sunday!)

Here we go! Last year I posted a starting time of 10:00 AM. Now I can’t imagine why. I figure I’ll just get up in the morning and start chalking. Looks like it’s going to be a LOT cooler by then! But I’ll still start early, in the cool of the day.

I would love your help with this:

1. Sign up on the map so folks can find your chalk. It’s the only way people know where to visit. And the more dots there are in an area, the more folks will come see what’s going on. If you click on the dots on the map, many of them have descriptions of what’s going on: chalk, music, food, arts & crafts, you name it! You can describe your own as well. There are already several live Front Porch Concerts on the map. They were quite the thing last year.

2. Please spread the word. Let your neighbors know. My posts are still not getting through to a whole lot of people. Last year I was worried about letting folks outside the neighborhood know. This year I’m not worried about that at all. Invite your friends to come help decorate. If you don’t have a sidewalk, there are plenty around the parks. Just make sure you socially distance and leave room for walkers to get by.

3. Come get chalk! I bought 100 sets early, because chalk was so hard to find last year. Both the Eldridge Society & the Columbia Neighborhood Association funded it. I got some nice bright colors this year! We’re at 2518 Cherry Street. It’s a red house with green trim. Let me know you’re coming and I’ll put some out for you if I’m unable to greet you personally, though I’d always much rather say Hi if I can! Come get it! 360-671-4511 text or phone.

4. Decorate your bikes, trikes, wagons, cars, and selves when you come out to tour the chalk. The audience is really always a key part of any show, but we can make that really clear this year.

There will be an informal noon concert at Elizabeth Park by Ebb Tide, if you’d like to listen to a little classic Brass Band music. They are part of the Bellingham Community Band (formerly the BHS Alumni Band). Be sure to socially distance. I’ve been told that West Coast Pops plans to bring their stand over. (Local fancy popsicles, $3 each) or pack your own goodies.

Then go tour all the cool stuff happening in the ‘hood! If you live outside the ‘hood you’re welcome this year! Click on the map from your phone to plan your own tour.

Here’s where to sign up on the map. You’re signing up with ME. Your contact info will never be exploited.

Here are all the Chalk Talks recorded by Marla Bronstein for last year’s Chalk Festival!



My friend Ana Castro has moved back to town! I’m thrilled and so is my garden. And she just got back, so she has room on her calendar. Here’s her number: 626-453-4538.


Whew! I lay in wait for our letter carrier this afternoon. Gave him an ice-cold ginger ale. He showed me that another neighbor had just handed him an ice cream bar. It’s 100 degrees out there! Mid-seventies tonight, mid-eighties with a breeze tomorrow, and mid-sixties tomorrow night! I can’t wait.


Thank you to the many friends and neighbors who have showed up with water, or donated so we could buy it. Several neighbors also helped make hundreds of packets of hydration powder that folks in need could add to those bottles of water. We’ve started adding Kool-Aid to the mix and some extra sugar, and it’s much appreciated. Someone donated a refrigerator/freezer and Lydia is now able to keep the water cold for delivery. That’s going to make a big difference all summer. By the way, water will still be a big need all summer long. I would love your help. Here’s a meal trail I’m involved in. Every penny you donate here goes directly for food, water and other needs for local homeless neighbors.


Do you have one of those little rigid-sided kiddie pools that you would be willing to lend (or sell) Susan?  Toddler grandson coming up just in time for hot weather.  All the stores are out.  Grateful!

Susan Witter,, 360-647-0310.


The Star Club in Bellingham is closed its doors six years ago. They created something amazing for a while – a place where people listened intently to live music. Really listened. The music was excellent to begin with, but better than it ever could have been in any other circumstances. The “listening  audience” half of a great concert is often underestimated and even ignored in our culture, but our listening lifts up the musicians and creates beauty that could not otherwise occur. Thanks Brock!


My view of the world is that even the meanest people in the world are my family, placed under an evil enchantment. My desire is not only to stop them, but also to free them.



From the recording Aniar released in 2020. Four ‘hamsters & former ‘hamsters. Peadar MacMathuna, vocal and guitar. Richard Scholtz, autoharp. Jon Sampson, bass, Photographs by Helen Scholtz. Four responsive artists, listening passionately. Three with their ears and one with her eyes. I felt my body unclench immediately.

For more about Peadar:

Helen: Helen Scholtz Photography – Images by Helen Scholtz

Emergency Water Needed

Emergency Water is still needed for homeless folks. You can drop bottles here, on either front or back porch. 2518 Cherry. Red house with green trim. Thank you!!!
Zeke and I made a big batch of hydration powder this morning. (Thank you Suzanne for the sugar! and Lizanne for making the first batch!)
Here is a (slightly modified) recipe for home-made inexpensive hydration powder to add to water as a sports drink substitute. Those powdered packets are really expensive! It was pretty simple to make. It would be great if others made a bunch too. And I have LOTS of little paper bags to share.
To replace electrolytes, one needs sodium, potassium, magnesium, and sugar:
    8 cups of sugar
    1/3 cup Morton Lite Salt
    2/3 cup baking soda
    4 packets of Emergen-C or other brand for the magnesium and also for the flavor. Or you can add Kool-Aid powder or whatever. But flavoring really helps when it’s time to drink.
Use one tablespoon per packet, which makes a pint bottle of water into a sports drink. Use in every other bottle you drink. Drink a little water out of the bottle before you add powder and shake, to make sure there’s room. Including room for it to fizz a little.
If anyone is up for making a bunch, I have little paper bakery bags by the hundreds for packaging, which I’d love to share. Paper, not plastic. Just roll it up. You don’t even have to seal it. We can use hundreds of packets in the next couple days.


Moira Smiley, Evie Ladin, and others. A Cappella with body percussion.


Heat Wave Strategies


These suggestions are almost all for folks who have shelter. Please donate water for those of us who trying to survive in tents. You can bring water to our house for pick-up.

Mom grew up in Idaho. She’d open all doors, window & curtains wide overnight, and rise at dawn to close everything tight. I did that last night. It’s fine in our house right now. She also taught us to either submerge or just put our forearms under cold water to bring down our body temperature. Take a cool bath. Keep some wet washcloths or hand towels in the fridge or freezer. Apply to forehead or wrap around the back of your neck, draped to the front. Keep trading towels. (A friend from Hawaii soak your whole sarong in water and wrap around your body / shoulders / head. Instant cooling. Repeat as needed. Even for sleeping.) Put a wet towel in front of but not blocking a fan so the air cools as it blows across the towel. Spray bottle filled with water, set on “fine” can be sprayed between you and the fan for a burst of evaporative coolness. Good luck! And drink a LOT of water and eat some salty stuff to balance your electrolytes. (I bought some Cheetos…)

Just got more from friends: If you must open windows, open the top of double-hung windows instead of the bottom to let out the hot air near the ceiling. Eat pickles for the salt, liquid, and the vinegar helps replace potassium lost in perspiration. Rinse your wrists. Get your feet wet. Wear wet clothes. Eat salty snacks.




Written by Jean Ritchie, recorded by the English a cappella trio Coope, Boyes & Simpson in about 2010.

You can always go to   to see what’s happening.
