New Neighborhood News!

I haven’t posted here since mid-November. I got overstressed and my stomach got so tied up in knots I couldn’t digest food. I lost a fifth of my body weight. At this point, I’ve got myself stabilized but it doesn’t yet make sense to add stress. I’m doing fine! Some wonderful neighbors have agreed to take over my list. I’ll post a bunch of stuff below. Sometime next month we’ll be migrating to people I trust.

For folks from my Fl!p’s Pix list, if you didn’t get an email from that list last week, email me at to be added. I won’t post often, but a little. It will be almost all music, but I do post my political endorsements, once, right before each election. It’s up to you to do your own homework and make your own choices, but I am willing to contribute to your research with my own. Political posts are clearly labeled and easy to skip.

And now the news!!!



Here you go!! Fill out the form to get on the map. Use the map to see all the sales.

Form (to be filled out by sellers)

Map (to be visited by shoppers)

Here is how the sale map works. Folks use the link to sign up and fill in their details. Greg, our CNA volunteer gets a notification and puts that sale on the map, which happens about once every 24 hours. Folks need to sign up by 5 pm on August 5th to get on the map. (But don’t wait and drive Greg nuts please! Sign up early.)

After that they should show up on the sale map, which is the second link.


I’m still doing homeless support. I would always love help. Financial contributions go towards gas for the Outreachers, supplies for unhoused neighbors, and emergencies as they crop up. These days, surprise! Gas costs about $1000 a month for Outreachers delivering supplies to people where they are camping. Most unhoused people don’t dare go out of sight of their tents for fear of theft or being swept.

We can also always use more cooks. Once, or once a month, or once a week. For 10 people or 50. I can mentor you. I cook with buddies every Tuesday, and it’s a lovely excuse to hang out and catch up. You can also invite your buddies to cook with you.

We can always use water (especially gallons), AAA & AA batteries, headlamps, tarps & tents, sleeping bags. Tents are constantly swept. Average tent life before confiscation is about 6 – 8 weeks. Donations can be brought to our house – 2518 Cherry Street. Contact me at


Fl!p with Twangoleum

Saturday August 27, 11 AM, Elizabeth Park

I used to do this before the pandemic. You’re all invited to my birthday party! I’ll bring a guitar and my voice (and remember to bring my own chair this time) and sing you some songs, and get you to sing along. I’ll try to sing loud enough to be heard while we all socially distance. Bring your own chair if you want one. Except for the last couple years, I’ve always done a birthday concert, and absolutely everyone is always invited!

However! This event is weather dependent. If we’re deep in Smoke, or another heat wave, or it’s raining, we won’t do it for safety reasons. And I’d deeply appreciate it if everyone masked. I’ll probably take mine off to sing, but I’ll make sure I’m more that 6 feet away.

I would love to see you all again!


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