Two! Lost Cats

I’m having internet problems. I’ll write more later.


We are fairly new to the area (moved in just about 3 weeks ago).  It appears our wonderful cat, Mr Trumpet, wandered out of the yard this morning (10/11/21)- which is not like him.  He is an older cat (around 15) and has a very loud and distinct meow- hence the name Trumpet (also goes by Trumpy).  He is large and fluffy- looks like a Maine Coon, though we think he is a Norwegian Forester.  He is pretty arthritic, so doesn’t jump or run much, just slowly lumbers around the yard.  Very friendly, but apprehensive with people he doesn’t know- he is a super kind & gentle soul.   We live on Jaeger & Monroe… hoping someone may have seen him… please let us know. He really is an amazing cat and we desperately hope we are able to find him  He has a microchip, but no collar.  Appreciate any help!  ~ Drew Kretzschmar,,   216-978-8099


A friend is visiting and her tabby escaped my house.  He has a purple collar and a tag with his name, Tigs, like in tiger, and the phone number of the owner.  Please call that number and/or mine # 360-303-0982. He has just come off a 4 week car trip into a new environment.   He is normally friendly to people. Thank you! ~ Katy Velasquez, 2500 Lynn 

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