Supporting Health Care Workers, Oximeters, Cash Assistance, Seeking Tech Support, LOTS more!

CONTENTS 4/23/2020
How Not To Say The Wrong Thing To Health-Care Workers
Pulse Oximeter Article
No-Barrier Cash Assistance
Restaurant Take Out And Delivery
Masks For Sale
  At Goods: Four Sizes
  Masks & Button Straps
  Zip Jelineo
  Mask Tree
Micro Droplets
Common Threads
Salish Current News
Dog Foster Or Adoption
Columbia Neighborhood
  Stolen Shoes & Tools
Fl!p’s Pix For Music
  Robert Sarazin Blake:From The Kitchen Table
  The Beatles – Yellow Submarine Sing-A-Long Watch Party
Editor’s Corner
  Seeking New Tech Support
  Deep Gratitude!
  Bean Seeds

By Dorothy R. Novick, The Washington Post
April 17, 2020 at 5:00 a.m. PDT|
Dorothy R. Novick is a pediatrician in Philadelphia.
One of my friends grew so concerned about my safety during the novel coronavirus outbreak that she began sending articles. First, about why health-care providers get sicker than others. Then about how the virus might penetrate my mask. Then a map of the United States, with my city enveloped in a giant red circle.

These are things I have read before. I spend most days calming my nerves in the face of them, so I can be a guiding force for my patients. I know my friend sends these articles because she’s worried and wants me to stay safe. But with each one, a freezing chill seeps in through my pores and I am shaking again.

As a pediatrician during the greatest pandemic of our time, I understand that it’s hard to find the right words. Some of my friends and family process their fears for my safety with me, as we’ve always processed everything together. Others ask whether I also worry after each trip to the grocery store. Or whether I’ve picked up new hobbies.

I know they are frightened — for themselves, for their families, for me. And I know everyone is wrestling with the quarantines. These struggles are real. But what can be difficult for my loved ones to realize is that, although this is a collective plight, we are not sharing the same experience.

Years ago, my friend Margi watched her husband die in a car crash. They were caravanning home from vacation, he in the lead and she with their children behind. Her pain felt unbearable. As soon as we had a moment alone, I asked what had happened at the scene of the crash. I shared my shock and devastation. We had always talked like that — no holds barred. But this conversation changed our friendship for years to come. Everything I said seemed to worsen her agony. I was heartbroken. I couldn’t figure out how to reach and support her.

Finally, I came across an article about “Ring Theory,” written by Susan Silk and Barry Goldman. In this construct, we imagine a person who is suffering, like Margi, sitting in a small circle surrounded by concentric rings. Her dearest relatives sit in the circle closest to her. Best friends sit in the next larger circle. More friends and colleagues occupy the next one. And so on.

According to Ring Theory, a person in any given circle should send love and compassion inward, to those in smaller circles, and process personal grief outward, to those in larger circles. To Margi and her mother, I should have said, “I love you, and I’ll do everything I can to support you.” And only when talking to others should I have said, “Her suffering feels impossible to bear.”

Comfort in, grief out.

Ring Theory works for supporting health-care providers during the trauma of covid-19. We are grappling with a complex duality of mission plus terror. We are proud of what we can contribute and passionate about our patients’ well-being. But we are frightened — for our safety, for our patients, for the spouses and children we might expose.

When I imagine the covid-19 Ring Theory, I picture my emergency room colleagues in the center circle. Their spouses occupy the ring closest to them. Next come their parents. Then their friends like me, who work in lower-risk fields. Then my family. And then everyone else who is worried but is not tying back their hair and putting on scrubs each morning.

I may want to tell my ER friends how scared I feel for them. But as close as I am to the battleground, they are closer. So instead I say, “If you take no risks, you will stay safe. I am here for you, every step of the way.”

If you care about a health-care worker on the front lines of this crisis, imagine the circles and decide where you land. Then send your love in. Tell us you are proud and you believe in our mission. It’s fine to say you are worried. We feel loved when you ask about our days and remind us to be careful. But if you are having a dark moment full of doomsday predictions, if you are crying for fear we will die, please know this increases our anxieties. Please process your worst nightmares with others. And please, don’t forget to call us once you feel better.

Yesterday I received this message from a relative:

I am holding you in my heart being on the front lines of these difficult times. The professional skill, kindness, support and tenacity you give your patients and your medical community I am sure is a comfort in this darkness. Sending much love, appreciation and admiration.

My heart rate slowed and my skin warmed over as I read the message. Then I pulled my mask over my face and opened the door to the next patient room.

The Infection That’s Silently Killing Coronavirus Patients
By Richard Levitan
Dr. Levitan is an emergency doctor.

A pulse oximeter can provide early warning of the kinds of breathing problems associated with Covid-19 pneumonia, which behaves very differently from the usual pneumonia. Here are excerpts from the article. The whole article is linked at the end. ~Fl!p “Patients can have dangerously low oxygen without feeling short of breath… There is a way we could identify more patients who have Covid pneumonia sooner and treat them more effectively — and it would not require waiting for a coronavirus test at a hospital or doctor’s office. It requires detecting silent hypoxia early through a common medical device that can be purchased without a prescription at most pharmacies: a pulse oximeter. Pulse oximetry is no more complicated than using a thermometer. These small devices turn on with one button and are placed on a fingertip. In a few seconds, two numbers are displayed: oxygen saturation and pulse rate… Pulse oximeters are extremely reliable in detecting oxygenation problems and elevated heart rates… People using the devices at home would want to consult with their doctors to reduce the number of people who come to the E.R. unnecessarily because they misinterpret their device… All patients who have tested positive for the coronavirus should have pulse oximetry monitoring for two weeks, the period during which Covid pneumonia typically develops. All persons with cough, fatigue and fevers should also have pulse oximeter monitoring even if they have not had virus testing, or even if their swab test was negative, because those tests are only about 70 percent accurate. A vast majority of Americans who have been exposed to the virus don’t know it.”

By Josephine Peterson,
As of Friday, people not eligible for other COVID-19 assistance programs can apply to the Disaster Cash Assistance Program. Money is available to those who meet income and resource thresholds. Single individuals can claim up to $383, and the amount increases depending on the household size up to $1,121 for eight or more in a home. Applicants receive a one-time payment in a 12-month period, DSHS spokesperson Norah West said. The department estimates more than 175,000 households might be eligible. “Having access to this emergency aid is critically important to helping people meet their immediate, basic needs, like shelter costs, utilities, clothing, minor medical care, household supplies and transportation costs for work,” said Babs Roberts, director of DSHS’ Community Services Division. Those approved will be issued an Electronic Benefit Transfer card by mail. People living in Washington can apply online at and call the Customer Service Contact Center at 877-501-2233 to complete the required interview. They also can call the same number and complete the entire application over the phone.

From the Bellingham Herald:


I am making masks: 4 sizes including ones that fit small children.  I bring a new batch to Goods on Saturdays for donations and they are there until they’re gone. The money helps me pay for the overhead on my mobile salon that is parked there (little bird salon). Thanks, ~ Sarah Guenther of Little Bird Salon and Peabody street💜

My friend Kate makes masks with ties. Here’s the link to her Etsy shop:

Cell phone for texting only: 360-778-9744
Home phone for discussing details concerning style, number needed, price: 360-734-0157
[Zip made those wonderful flags and banners for sale at the farmer’s market for years.]

If you’d like to know the location of the Mask Tree, email me – I assume you could add masks as well as adopt them.


Connecting kids to healthy food, seed to table
We’re proud to have been the boots on the ground to help launch the Bellingham Public School’s emergency food distribution efforts and we’re busy now making sure school gardens are more robust and productive than ever. This week we harvested 13.5 pounds of leafy greens and delivered them to the BPS’ Central Kitchen to be included in food bank boxes. Need access to food? Check out Bellingham Public Schools’ food delivery or Bellingham Food Bank’s new distribution plan. You can also text “FOOD” (or “COMIDA” for information in Spanish) to 877-877 to find a free meal site year you!

The Salish Current website and newsletter are the result of a grassroots initiative to launch a nonpartisan, nonprofit, online local news organization serving Whatcom, San Juan and Skagit counties by filling gaps in news coverage of our area. Our mission is to strengthen democracy by reporting local news with independence and strict journalistic integrity. We bear witness to the life of the community, to give residents the information they need to make informed choices about public life. We adhere to the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. Our website is accessible to all, and our lists of donors, board members and staff are open to the public. Our news reporting is separate from our revenue sources. In addition to the website, we are producing a weekly email newsletter with links to news published on other sites. The newsletters are archived on the website, and include subscription (free, of course) information.

Do you know of a dog that needs looking after? If you or anyone you knows is worried about caring for a dog during these trying times, I might be able to help. I’ve had dogs most of my life, but not recently. I would love to foster or adopt a small to medium sized dog to accompany me for walks and snuggle with me at home. I live alone in a condo and would love to hear the patter of little feet again. If interested, contact Debbie Brosten at 209-329-4479. Thanks!


A heads up to the neighborhood that my Solomon running shoes were stolen off of my back porch Tuesday night. They replaced my shoes with their blue Adidas. Then last night, Wednesday, tools were stolen from Sean’s garage, two doors up.
~ Michael Price, 2700 block of Walnut Street on the west side


Sundays 5-7pm
With Guests: April 26th Meg Yates, May 3rd Petunia
LIVE STREAM http:///
All Viewers Welcome! Digital Tip Jar
A weekly broadcast concert and song swap
‘Lets sit around the table together’

Saturday morning April 25, 9 AM, watch party with lyrics streaming with the movie.


Michael Kelberer helped me shift platforms to this blog, to keep up with changing needs for the list in the pandemic. He’s been marvelous, helpful, and kind! At this point, he needs me to find someone else to take over. I have about 3000 subscribers on WordPress. There is a chance we’ll have to add MailChimp, but I’m hoping to avoid that. Are any of you knowledgeable? Please contact Fl!p at 360-671-4511 or

To all the neighbors who helped with groceries and garden supplies this week. We are set for a while. I feel so connected! Thank you!!!!

I have extra Blue Lake Pole Beans I’d be glad to share. Would anyone like some? 360-671-4511 or


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