CONTENTS 12/21/2020
Happy Solstice!
City Hall Encampment
Encampment & Snow
Wonderful Neighbors
Really Needed
Word From The Food Tent
Pots And Pans
Ride From Port Townsend For Objects?
Radio Free Fl!p: Midwinter Song
From this point, the days are getting longer now, as Zeke says, through all the world, except the southern hemisphere…
I think it might be helpful if a couple hundred people phoned or emailed and didn’t get grumpy but did ask what the plan is, when the tiny houses will arrive, whether they have also ordered homes from the Everett firm that could have already delivered last week, and ask who else needs to be contacted to express our concern.
At least four different neighbors headed out this evening for critical supplies for camp after the snow. On site volunteers are wrestling to prevent hypothermia among the residents. Two neighbors are out right now buying tarps and one of those point-and-shoot no-contact forehead thermometers to check for temperatures below 95 degrees. Wonderful people have brought in wool blankets, hot cider mix, coffee, and other key supplies for this very cold wet night. (If you would like to be on the team of people I call for help, please let me know. Many hands make light work.)
All size plastic tarps (especially 10×12 – and Harbor Freight may have themc cheapest), stakes, rope, sleeping bags, big stacking plastic bins with hinged lids (Fred Meyers has them on sale: 48 qt). Wool blankets.
“Sue brought cheesy beefy pasta today and it flew off the shelf. Chili goes well but the mixed veg soups are chosen last. Definitely not gonna say no to them but meat, cheese and hearty foods are A+!!!” ~ Jesse Thurston
In response to Jesse, I have pasta, rice, lentils, onions, and a big bag or two of grated cheese here that you can pick up. By later in the day tomorrow we may also have lots of canned foods that have been donated at the encampment for volunteers to heat up or incorporate into whatever they are making. If volunteers can get hamburger, sausage, chicken, and other meats and cheeses to add, it sounds like a very good idea. Protein and fat help warm people up. When you’re stuck outside with no place to warm up, it helps to eat like a lumberjack.
I have here two lidded “restaurant pans” for huge casseroles, and a speckled turkey roasting pan as well. Think Mac & Cheese or scalloped potatoes (with hamburger or sausage or something?). Right now we have for your use, three soup pots and a huge mixing bowl in the front entry. I’d like to have cooks pick up pots and pans the day before they deliver a meal, and have everyone delivering anything inquire at the food tent about empty pots to bring back here. Also, we could use more donated pots, or pots from Goodwill or Value Village etc. I’ve been able to phone around and locate them at thrift stores rather than going in to browse. The gold standard is the 20 quart pot, but as small as 11 quart is still useful.
My brother Joe is trying to get a 4 foot long board and a foot square box to me in Bellingham, along with some van keys, and maybe a juicer. No contact pick-up. Does anyone know anybody coming this way from there. Joe is home, like I am home. All. The. Time.
Jean Rohe – The joy of singing together in one another’s presence may be the thing I miss most. Spring will come. I love watching these folks raise and blend their voices.
Love/Fl!p 360-671-4511 2518 Cherry Street
If you want to ask me to post something, just email me. If it’s urgent, phone. If it’s a real emergency, call 911.