CONTENTS 12/14/2020
Dog Is Home!
Soup Brigade
Dog Calming
What Birds Want In A Birdhouse
I Didn’t Forget
Radio Free Fl!p: Light One Candle
Gage texted this morning that she is safely home. A neighbor finally succeeded in inviting her inside, feeding her. Settled her kindly on the couch. I was able to pass Gage’s phone number on to the rescuer. My deepest thanks to the many, many neighbors who tried so hard to rescue this poor dog. Our neighborhood did a fantastic job of watching out for her, communicating with each other, keeping me up-to-date as the “switchboard.” We did it!!! Hooray!
By the way, my phone number is 360-671-4511. You might want to put it into your contacts so if I ever try to call you, you know it’s me. I’d love to have your humber too, so I can reach out for help where it’s needed.
Hey Soup-er Neighbors – Let’s try this. I got this note from Kelli today. She’s the FoodTrain coordinator, but seems to also be a student at Western, so she has a lot on her plate! Here’s her request:
“I think the best plan of action is to have you sign up for days and then have two people from your crew deliver! That way its easy to coordinate and we can still have enough for everyone, would that work for you? Here is also a list of dates that people have said they can only provide 30-ish meals.” ~Kelli Hall MealTrain Organizer
Lunch on Dec 15
Lunch on Dec 21
Lunch on Dec 22
Dinner on Dec 22
Lunch on Dec 23
I’ve also heard from volunteers on the ground at city hall that they put some of our individual hot soup cups into a big insulated cooler and can pass out warm soup late into the night when they have more soup than is needed at dinner. Since there are no buildings that our un-housed neighbors can go into to warm up, our soup makes a real difference.
There were also 10 waterproof, stackable storage containers delivered today, and I have some more to take in tomorrow. These make such a huge difference in the supply tents. One tent collapsed in the wind and rain and everything got soaked. I’m going to try to buy some see-through, hinged ones with some of the money you’ve donated. And I can still keep the ToGo cups and other supplies flowing. Thank you! ~ Fl!p Breskin 2518 Cherry Street 360-671-4511
My heart goes to the humans & scared dog! Hopefully dog’s been caught by now? If not, the least threatening human posture is crouching down , turning a little to the side (not reaching for and approaching straight on) lip lick(like a snake) and “soft eyes” squint eyes a bit(like a cat) and calm voice tones. This is calming dog communication that worked many times at a rescue I worked at. Often the dog sits down, relaxes and smiles a.bit. Best wishes for a happy ending here! This dog communication is described in “Calming Signals” by Turid Rugaas. Big hugs & pets to you all, ~ Gillian Brightwater
In a nutshell – Decorating the houses eliminates a whole range of birds who prefer plain worn wood. That said, there are birds who don’t care about looks as long as the hole is the right size and it’s hung in a good place! ~ Rob Pemble
I will get the Local Small Business list out soon. It turned into a bigger job than I expected. Soon though. I was us to be able to support local businesses!
Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary. Some of you may have heard of them. We had an impromptu Chanukah candle-lighting with my brother and neighbors from our childhood, and their children, over Zoom. And sang this, of course. Everyone lit their own candles. The others aren’t Jews, but they talked about what a huge impact our family had on their own lives. It was really touching. I think the pandemic may have made us braver to tell each other how much we care.
Love/Fl!p 360-671-4511 2518 Cherry Street
If you want to ask me to post something, just email me. If it’s urgent, phone. If it’s a real emergency, call 911.