CONTENTS 12/9/2020
Wow! Thank You!!!!
Soup Brigade
Support HomesNOW?
Squalicum Beach Alert
Call For Artists, Artisans, Etc
Share Hut Request
With Bells On
Garage Break In
Covid-Safe House Cleaning
Room Available
Radio Free Fl!p: Golden Vanity
I asked for help, and you sure came through!!! I am so touched!
My front entry is filled with Soup To-Go containers and lids. Neighbors have donated cash to buy more! Some of the money may go for other things, as other urgent needs arise, but it will all assist neighbors without shelter this winter.
We have eggs & almost every empty egg carton in the neighborhood. (This is actually a good thing.) We have 2 more soup pots that cooks can come collect. There is now a second #25 bag of onions and some canned green beans and corn that can be added to soup.
And amazingly, a huge box of beautiful brand-new heavy wool socks, plus hand-warmers and foot-warmers to fold inside each pair before they are passed out. (Costco has socks on sale, and a generous angel bought the limit!)
Plus I now have a lovely list of delivery volunteers. Though we can always use more. We are an amazing community. Thank you for answering when I call. It means the world to me. Together we can do wonders!!!
We can use more soup-makers if you have time and energy. Just make arrangements with me to come by to pick up to-go containers, onions, sometimes other veggies depending on what’s been contributed. Or if you still have apples, Max Eberhard points out that you could make hot applesauce! We can still use more delivery folks too. Many hands make light work!! Sign up here, but don’t worry too much if the list looks full. So far, all the food that has come in has been eaten.
~ Fl!p Breskin 2518 Cherry Street 360-671-4511
There is one more thing I would ask: Might you send a message to the mayor and city council in support of HomesNOW? HomesNOW volunteers have applied to create increased longer-term housing with fairly minimal city support – land that has already been discussed, plus water & electricity & portable toilets. They can’t take care of everyone who needs up, but they can make a real dent, and they are completely local. They have been guiding me in supporting neighbors without homes for over a year. Thank you!|
On Monday, around 3:20, my 19-year-old daughter was at Squalicum Beach. She was crouched down among some trees looking at rocks, when she spotted a man watching her. She looked away, and when she looked back, she’s pretty sure she saw him masturbating. At that point she quickly left, taking the long way around so she didn’t have to walk by him again. Understandably, she doesn’t have a good description of him. This wasn’t very far from where people have their dogs playing, and there were people around, so he doesn’t seem to be very concerned with being caught.
[This sort of thing always rates an immediate call to 911.]
If you send me a short blurb, I’ll do a special update edition this weekend just on local artists, artisans, crafters, restaurants, tiny businesses, etc. Supporting local small businesses seems particularly important this year. I usually try hard to avoid anything commercial but if I do just a single Update that only has this, I think subscribers can handle it, and so can I. But I just want to do it once, so please get me your information by the end of the day on Friday. Shout-outs are also welcome. Links are fine, but I don’t post any images. Try to keep your posts local to Columbia Neighborhood. Keep your descriptions brief, OK? Put “Local” in the subject line. Send to Thank you!
I was so saddened to find broken-down furniture and a mattress outside the Share Hut on Walnut Street. PLEASE don’t leave things, especially broken things, outside of the Hut. The Hut sits in front of my home. I enjoy taking care of the Hut but not spending my money and time making trips to the dump. Please be considerate and only leave items that you consider will be a gift for your neighbor. Thank you, ~ Jackie Brown
Saw this on an apartment complex message board and thought this might be something lighthearted and fun to do. “ There’s a movement going around for Christmas eve. At 6pm, step out onto your front porch/door step and ring some bells. We all need to have a little fun, join together, and bring an extra dose of cheer this year. Super easy, super fun, kids are going to love it, young and old alike. Join the fun! Let’s see how many of our neighbors will join in!” Feel free to pass it on. ~ Orma Martin, Cherry Street
Just wanted to alert the neighborhood that our garage was broken into last night near the corner of Henry and Monroe. A gray Kona Rove gravel bike was stolen. The police have been notified. Thanks, ~ Dave Klingbiel
For a woman with cancer. Trustworthy Referrals From Other Households Appreciated!
I sure could use some help getting some deeper cleaning done ASAP and weekly maintenance. I am barely able to stand or bend over for very long! I go to chemo weekly on Thursdays. Tues and Wed are ideal cleaning days due to chemo recovery time. Four hrs to start out maybe two times and then weekly for 2 hrs. I need help with laundry, dishes, floors, bathroom etc. Bonus would be someone up for organizing my pantry! ~ all supplies can be provided. If you prefer your own, they must be all Eco friendly due to my severe chemical sensitivities. Big Thanks!! ~ Jamie Jedinak, Wee One and Camille (cats) 360-746-4270 Please let know your availability and fee.
Near Locust Beach. A room is opening up March 1st in a three bedroom house of sweet, quiet, plant-loving, gardening, fiddle/guitar playing 20 something-year-old gals. We’d like to fill the last room of the small but charming home with another gal with similar likes. $500 + utilities. If you’d like to learn more please reach out to Celine Parton at
I’ve been teaching my GrandTwins to play guitar and ukulele over Zoom. They just turned 12. I sang this song to Henry, don’t know why. It was the first old ballad I ever learned, back when I was 6 years old. Something in it spoke to Henry and he decided he wanted to learn it. It’s really old. Like hundreds of years. And it has spoken to people in every generation. There are versions in many languages, all over Europe and North America. Different melodies, lots of variations in the lyrics. It describes an encounter with a pirate ship, though that is not the only enemy the brave cabin boy has to face! In some versions the cabin boy even wins, though not this one. I emailed Henry links to a bunch of versions. This version doesn’t have the melody that I first learned, and some of the words are different, but right now it’s the recording I’ve found that I like best. From Pete Seeger. Surprise!
Love/Fl!p 360-671-4511 2518 Cherry Street
If you want to ask me to post something, just email me. If it’s urgent, phone. If it’s a real emergency, call 911.