CONTENTS 6/4/2020
From Betsy Brown, MD
Peaceful Solidarity Rally For Justice
Big Chalk Update
Found Wallet
Window Masks?
Free Irises
Shop For Fl!p?
Radio Free Fl!p: Wayfaring Stranger
[Betsy is among my most trusted sources. She’s a doctor in Seattle. I subscribe to her daily blog.]
We are not the only medical organization that saw a drop off in visits with the pandemic. Many practices and hospitals are in a world of financial hurt. The American medical system is not known for its efficiencies or for being economical. Many primary care clinics are struggling now, as are hospitals, especially in rural areas. Many will not survive because their income is based on actually seeing patients. Don’t blame the doctors. It is a ragged and inequitable system. Primary care providers also have the lowest income and often work with a shoestring budget, with little room for obstacles. Nothing like a pandemic to shine a light on the needs for healthcare reform. The system is not sustainable and has so much more potential.
Delay in care is also increasing costs to people’s health because life threatening conditions are being ignored and care is delayed. One thing to know is that right now, anyway, ER’s and clinics are some of the safest places to be, as the number of infections decrease. That will change as numbers increase over the next few weeks, with more opening up and exposures. There will be hot spots which can change county to county, so pay attention to what your local health department is telling you. If you have been ignoring a health issue waiting for the pandemic to clear, now is a window of opportunity, so call your doctor’s office. They will be happy to see you or set up a video visit.
And a pediatrician weighs in on children playing together again.
Saturday, June 6 at 3 – 5 PM
Maritime Heritage Park
The organizers request that everyone bring masks, hand sanitizers, and be aware of social distancing. Please do that! The park is a large area. Please please spread out in it as best you can. I found this quote today, and I like it: “…perhaps it is proof of the fundamental decency if ordinary people…that maybe people are not willing to risk other people’s lives for money, but when other people may lose their lives if they do not act, they rise to the call of action…in terms of standing up for civil rights, as a nation…” ~Claus Joens
Wow! There was a lot going on with the Chalk Festival today. The Eldridge Society let me know this morning that they will donate up to $300 towards chalk! I’m searching for more chalk. If you hear of a source, even online, please let me know right away!
And Marla Bronstein (who runs the Elizabeth Park Summer Concerts (Thursdays at 6 PM, starting later this month – online this year) will be hosting Chalk Talk! Short-short video discussions with local dignitaries about our festival. Marla is a hoot! She has already written to lots of potential interviewees. I can’t wait to hear their discussions! I’ll be posting links here.
Marla informed me that I was responsible to come up with theme music (background) for her interviews. And the music had to be out-of-copyright. As I was poking around for music, Marla emailed me a photo, article, and video about Alton Adams, a Black conductor & composer who was good friends with John Phillip Sousa in the early-to-mid 1900s. (Fourth of July, people!) And Adams shares Marla’s birthday! So Zeke sat right down and figured out how to play one of Adams’ marching band pieces on his mandolin. I joined him on guitar, and by this evening we had a goofy video of me and Zeke in our St Pepper-style fancy Sedentary Band uniforms, wrestling with one of Adam’s best known marches. We didn’t exactly loose…
And Walnut Street neighbor and graphic artist (and poet) Alaya Rousseau created a lovely hand-drawn postcard that we will copy and attach to each of the 130-some chalk sets waiting in my front entry already. Alaya’s inspired artwork includes directions for how to sign up and be part of the Chalk Festival.
And Jonny Kemp says the website and sign-up form that he’s building for the Chalk Festival is coming right along. We may even be able to upload photos of our Chalk, connected to our addresses, so shut-in neighbors (like me) can still take a virtual tour!
We are exactly a month away…
I found a red wallet in the alley between Victor and Henry, 2300 block. It has a library card, with a name of Naomi S. Email me if this is yours. That is all that was in the wallet..
~ Kristin Barber
Do you know of anyone who is making/selling face masks for the deaf & hard of hearing with the clear plastic face piece? I would like to buy two of them for my son and I. Thanks a bunch, ~ Lorraine Delahoyde
I have some iris plants to give away (out in front of 3000 Lynn St in a plastic soil bag). They’ve been in a pot & did not bloom this spring so I don’t know what color they are. They are ready to put in the ground! ~ Jennifer Dannenberg
Is anyone going to the Food Co-Op or Haggens Friday or Saturday? There are just a couple things we’re getting low on… Fl!p 360-671-4511
Rhiannon Giddens. People make rude jokes about banjos and accordions. The joke’s on them! Real beauty shines through every time.